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The Millionaire Mother

Oct 6, 2020

Have you done the necessary mindset work to confidently set or raise prices that align with the true value you provide your customers?


Increasing your prices is more than just picking a number out of the air and slapping it on your Services Page. Whether you are a coach, a consultant, a done-for-you-service-provider, run a membership site or have retainer packages, you first need to have a solid foundation to build from and then establish a strategic pace and rhythm by which you set prices that align with your value. 


In today’s episode, I am peeling back the layers of selling your packages at every price level and telling you exactly how you can adjust your mindset perspective to set a pricing structure that works for you. We’ll also look at the strategic steps you need to take to find the right price point and why you need to calibrate your energy so that you can confidently increase your prices - no matter where you’re at in your business.

Here’s a closer look at what we talked about:

How mindset comes into pricing the value you bring and serve your clients [6:22]

Realigning your energy with a price point you are confident with [10:43]

The importance of conducting thorough competitive market research [12:47]

How to know when it’s time to raise your prices [17:06]

Why your pricing determines and dictates your workflow [21:06]

Corresponding your price increase with how you want to scale your business [22:05]

Links we mentioned:

Cait’s Instagram

The Rise Mastermind Waitlist


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