Sep 24, 2019
Girl, are you too vanilla?
Hey beauties! In this episode, Amber Lilyestrom and I go deep about creating a brand that encompasses the fullness of you! Amber was SO transparent on her near-death experience, birthing her daughter and her feminine in business!
Amber Lilyestrom is a transformational branding strategist...
Sep 17, 2019
Hey beauties! Have you felt stuck at one point or another in life and business, c’mon raise your hand!
The biggest stuckness I see – is a plateau! In this episode, I am diving deep into the number one thing to focus on if you’re feeling the stuckness and 3 action steps to get unstuck now!
Here’s a closer look...
Sep 10, 2019
On Building a Thriving, Sustainable Brand
Building a business can feel a lot like running in a hamster wheel and making yourself a carbon copy of every other entrepreneur in your niche. In a busy, glimmering online world, it is so easy to lose sight of who you are and how to stay aligned to your core values as a...
Sep 3, 2019
Hey beauties! This week I am diving into the exact 6 steps I took to land a TEDx Talk! This episode is amazing for accomplishing ANY goal, but I also am going to tell you the exact steps to land a TEDx Talk, you know, if that’s your thing!
PS: If you join the TEDx Sharing Team, you can sign up for some amazing...