Jun 23, 2020
Have you ever put something off because you felt too far away from absolute perfection?
Well join the club and sit back and listen in on how my view of starting a family was before getting pregnant. We all tell ourselves these stories about how life should look before we get married, start a business, or even get...
Jun 16, 2020
In this episode, the Slay Coach herself, Jamie Joslin King, joins us to talk about her road to success and the importance of being a visionary as an entrepreneur. We discuss the pillar of spirit in her work and she shares about her experience putting on her live event, the Summit of Slay, before she was ready.
Jun 9, 2020
What happens when your
definition of success changes?
When I started my
business, nearly three years ago, I was living in Bali. Before
that, I'd gotten my masters at 23. Soon after, I quit my job at 24
and traveled to Bali to pursue a women's leadership training. There
I realized I had to ask myself the question -...